Quattro Scenari: Four Scenes of Foolery

Performed at Flashpoint’s Mead Theatre Lab February 25th, 2011

Faction of Fools Theatre Company presents Quattro Scenari: Four Scenes of Foolery
as DC's local celebration for Commedia dell'Arte Day.

Commedia dell'Arte Day is a worldwide theatre celebration that Faction of Fools organizes every February 25th on behalf of the international cultural association SAT. Last year, Faction of Fools coordinated 86 events on six continents. This year, even Antarctica will celebrate Commedia dell'Arte Day thanks to scientists at South Pole Station who are excited to perform their own show.

Theatre companies around the world will be performing their own versions of the same four scenari (or scenes). Contributed by leading Commedia practitioners like Antonio Fava (author of The Comic Mask in the Commedia dell'Arte) and Barry Grantham (author of Playing Commedia), the four scenari depict some of the classic situations of Commedia: bragging contests, declarations of love, taunts, tricks, and scenes of grandiose confusion.

The performance will be followed by a reception.

Directed by: Toby Mulford Masks by: Antonio Fava